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This art reproduction would look amazing in most places, but even better in an industrial home/unit setting. It depicts a cold moonlit night in different tones of grey - with a silver reflection - to give the feeling of the night chill.
I did not intend to paint this scene when my brush hit the canvas, but like most of my art, it just evolved.
Artwork not currently available for print on this website, but can be purchased from Buy Art Now.
This art reproduction would look amazing in most places, but even better in an industrial home/unit setting. It depicts a cold moonlit night in different tones of grey - with a silver reflection - to give the feeling of the night chill.
I did not intend to paint this scene when my brush hit the canvas, but like most of my art, it just evolved.
Artwork not currently available for print on this website, but can be purchased from Buy Art Now.